Let me start off with an apology for not posting sooner.I've been doing some research.We all have learned that bullying has some very deadly consequences.But many of us don't realize how much deeper it goes.There have been many children and young adults who have committed suicide within the past few years,due to being bullied.
Many of our youth are overweight.I know,you're thinking "What's that got to do with being bullied?".EVERYTHING!Here's why.Many of our children are afraid to tell us that they are being bullied,so where do they turn? Food.As parents we don't really and truly think anything of what our kids eat,or what we eat for that matter.What ever's quick and easy.
So most of us just grab a burger or fried chicken or something of that sort.Which is fine on occasion.But,how many of you parents have noticed your child gaining way too much weight?How many of your kids are actually hoarding food in their room?Have you looked?
Bullies pick on other kids just because they know they can.Our children are picked on for the way they look,dress,act,how much they weigh,how well they do in school and so on.The growing problem of weight gain in our youth can be directly linked to bullying.Don't get me wrong,unhealthy eating plays a big part of it,but so does being bullied.
Bullying causes stress for the ones being bullied,which in turn causes them to either gain weight or lose weight.Many parents believe that just because they have settled the bullying issue,which can take quite a while,their child will automatically go back to normal.Not so.There are still lingering effects of being bullied and it can last well into adulthood.
Many of our kids won't commit suicide in a 'normal' fashion,(i.e hanging,shooting,etc),but rather they can and are eating themselves to death.I have other blogs that deal with weight loss and some of the health problems associated with being overweight.But I've been doing some research as I said in the beginning.This is what my research was on,bullying and overeating and the health problems it can cause.
I watched a show on tv the other night about a South Pacific island whose population is so overweight,that they beat us in diabetics 5-1.1in 2 people on this little island have diabetes.The island's population? 10,000.All 10,000 people have some form of diabetes.So what's that got to do with bullying? If your child turns to food for comfort,they run the risk of becoming obese,developing diabetes,heart problems,kidney failure and so on.
Here's my other blogs on weight loss www.amylewisworld.blogspot.com,www.mydiabetesandweightloss.blogspot.com